The Gospel Collection
The Gospel of Mark

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The Gospel of Mark
THE GOSPEL OF MARK brings the original Jesus narrative to the screen using the Gospel text as its script, word for word. Filmed by the Lumo Project.

- Acholi
- Albanski
- Amhari
- Arapski
- Azerbedzanski
- Bangla
- Burmis
- Kantonski
- Cebuano
- Chechen
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- Chinese (Simplified)
- Hrvatski
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- Danski
- English
- Finski
- Francuski
- Gruzijski
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- Hausa
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- Indonezijski
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- Korejski
- Kurdish (Kurmanji)
- Kurdish (Sorani)
- Kirgiz
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- Lingala
- Luganda
- Lugbara (Lugbarati)
- Malajalamski
- Marati
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- Oromo (Galla)
- Persijski
- Poljski
- Portugalski (Europski)
- Pundjabi
- Rumunski
- Runyankore Rukiga (Runyakitara)
- Ruski
- Srpski
- Španski (Latinska Amerika)
- Šhvahili
- Tagalog
- Tajik
- Tamilski
- Telugu
- Tai
- Turski
- Turkmen
- Ukrajinski
- Urdu
- Uyghur
- Uzbek
- Vijetnamski
- Joruba

The Gospel of Mark
THE GOSPEL OF MARK brings the original Jesus narrative to the screen using the Gospel text as its script, word for word. Filmed by the Lumo Project.