L'Évangile de Matthieu

L'ÉVANGILE DE MATTHIEU était l'Évangile le plus populaire des premiers siècles Chrétiens. Écrit pour une communauté Chrétienne alors qu'elle commence à se séparer du monde juif. L'Évangile de Matthieu va très loin pour montrer qu'en tant que Messie, Jésus est l'accomplissement des prophéties de l'Ancien Testament faisant référence au Sauveur de Dieu. Filmé par le projet Lumo.


  • The Gospel of Matthew

    THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW was the most popular Gospel in the early Christian centuries. Written for a Christian community as it begins to separate from th... more

  • The Gospel of Mark

    THE GOSPEL OF MARK brings the original Jesus narrative to the screen using the Gospel text as its script, word for word. Filmed by the Lumo Project.

  • The Gospel of Luke

    THE GOSPEL OF LUKE, more than any other, fits the category of ancient biography. Luke, as “narrator” of events, sees Jesus as the “Savior” of all peop... more

  • The Gospel of John

    THE GOSPEL OF JOHN is the first ever filmed version of the biblical text as it was actually written. Using the original Jesus narrative as its script ... more
