परिवार मैत्री
स्याङ चुलको कथा
यो कथा पास्टर हानका एकजना चेला, सांङ-चुलले देखेका कुराहरू मार्फत बताईएको छ, एक व्यक्ति जो आफ्नो गुरूको पदचिन्ह पछ्याउँदै जोखिमको बाबजुद पनि उत्तर कोरियालीहरूसँग सु-समाचार बाँड्न गर्न जारी राखेका थिए ।
Liena: Syria
As Liena prayed, she offered God her life in order to be His witness in war-torn Syria. But she sensed God asking for more than her own life. Could sh... more
Liena: Syria
As Liena prayed, she offered God her life in order to be His witness in war-torn Syria. But she sensed God asking for more than her own life. Could she make that commitment?
Sang-chul: North Korea
The story is told through the eyes of one of Pastor Han’s disciples, Sang-chul, a man who has followed in his mentor’s footsteps by continuing to shar... more
Sang-chul: North Korea
The story is told through the eyes of one of Pastor Han’s disciples, Sang-chul, a man who has followed in his mentor’s footsteps by continuing to share the gospel with North Koreans despite the danger.