Hoş Habar ýygyndysy
Seriýallar 2 Bölümler
Taryhda birinji gezek Matta, Mark, Luka we Ýohannanyň Hoş Habarlarynyň wakalaryny yzygiderli ssenariýa hökmünde ulanan sözme-söz uýgunlaşmasy, taryhyň iň mukaddes tekstlerine täze yşyk saçýar.
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The Gospel of Matthew
THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW was the most popular Gospel in the early Christian centuries. Written for a Christian community as it begins to separate from th... more
The Gospel of Matthew
THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW was the most popular Gospel in the early Christian centuries. Written for a Christian community as it begins to separate from the Jewish world, Matthew’s Gospel goes to great lengths to show that, as the Messiah, Jesus is the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies referring to God’s Savior. Filmed by the Lumo Project.
Markyň Hoş Habary
MARKYŇ HOŞ HABARY Isanyň kyssasyny ekrana çykarýar. Ol ssenariýa üçin Hoş Habar tekstini sözme-söz ulanýar. Lumo tarapyndan wideo düşürildi.